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The Riot Starter Chat

Feb 20, 2017

Getting to the next level at some point will require that you Pay to Play. It doesn’t matter how great your idea is, how many lives it’s going to save; or how it’s going to be the next big thing, please know that professional services are not FREE. Many of us who serve people from our genius made an investment in ourselves. Why? Because we didn't know what we didn't know and guess what… you don’t either. So it’s important to be an informed consumer when it comes to ‘Pay to Play’ purchases.

Riot Starters, 12 questions to ask to help you make an informed decision on your next investment.

1.    What makes you qualified to do this work or to help me? 

2.    How were you trained? 

3.    What’s your methodology? Do you use assessments, interviews? How were they trained, how did you become a coach or a consultant?

4.    Which are you? Are you a coach or consultant have them explain the difference to you?

5.    Do YOU have a coach or accountability partner – Who’s coaching the coach? Who are they learning from, How are they staying relevant? A good coach has a coach. This will tell you if they really invested in their growth to help you with your growth.

6.    What's your style? You want to ask this question to see what their approach is and if it is a good fit for you. All coaches and consultants are not made equally and that’s not a bad thing.  

7.    Is this your life's work and why?

8.    Tell me about the success or outcomes of your clients 

9.    How will we handle things if I am not satisfied with the product/service?

10.  How will you keep me up to date on the deliverables or the progress of the project?

11.  Will we have a contractual agreement?

12.  What do you expect from me as your client?


So, here, you have it! 12 questions to ask when choosing a coach or a consultant. I hope they help you choose better, choose wisely and achieve better outcomes.