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The Riot Starter Chat

Nov 27, 2017

Dr. Taunya Lowe chats with Kathy Kidd about the Power of Your Story and how to use your story to transform the lives of others. 

Nov 24, 2017

Dr. Lowe chats with us about our lizard brain! It controls the need for acceptance—and the fear that we won't be accepted—that part of the brain that believes we must ensure we are included in our tribe, no matter the cost. That’ the lizard brain! The lizard brain cares what everyone else thinks, because status in...

Nov 20, 2017

The 2010 Deloitte Shift Index reported that 80% of those surveyed said they hated their jobs. They didn’t dislike their jobs. They weren’t irritated with their jobs. They hated their jobs. That’s pretty strong language.You spend the vast majority of your waking hours at your job. Theoretically Monday through...

Nov 17, 2017

Positioning yourself as a leader will make your work more meaningful and advance your career. You can gain influence based on your title, or on knowledge and skills you already possess.  While it could take years to climb the ladder up into senior management, tapping into your personal strengths is something you can...

Nov 13, 2017

You may be in the down shift and you need to shift up. Perhaps feeling like there needs to be a major shift and understanding that “I am the only one capable of manifesting and implementing that shift.”  If you are, perfect, because I want you to know that miracles happen when shifts occur. When you are in the down...